Here's brilliant responses to #JasperCillessenSitsOnThings hashtag
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Netherlands goalkeeper Jasper Cillessen has become an overnight internet sensation, thanks to Twitter.
Playing against Brazil in the World Cup's third-place play-off on Saturday, Cillessen was spotted leaning against his goalpost shouting directions to teammates in preparation for a Brazilian free-kick.
Still, despite the innocent act, the Internet swiftly got in gear, debuting the hashtag #JasperCillessenSitsOnThings and spawning dozens of memes.
Here's some of the best.
Playing against Brazil in the World Cup's third-place play-off on Saturday, Cillessen was spotted leaning against his goalpost shouting directions to teammates in preparation for a Brazilian free-kick.
Still, despite the innocent act, the Internet swiftly got in gear, debuting the hashtag #JasperCillessenSitsOnThings and spawning dozens of memes.
Here's some of the best.
— Maurice van Berkel (@Mvan_berkel) July 12, 2014
Saking Santainya Kiper JasperCillessen !! #JasperCillessenSitsOnThings
— Zul wahyu (@zul_wahyu) July 12, 2014
Cillessen en Van Persie. #braned #JasperCillessenSitsOnThings
— (@VOETBALHUMORcom) July 12, 2014
— Barry Chalgoum (@BarryChalgoum) July 12, 2014
@KICKTV #JasperCillessenSitsOnThings
— Christian Griffiths (@CGriffo55) July 12, 2014
— Aurel Grishaj (@AurelGrishaj) July 12, 2014
@KICKTV Jasper Cillessen
— OG Bobby Johnson (@KAPEnterprises) July 12, 2014
— Steve Hoffman (@stevehoff) July 12, 2014
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