Brazilian soccer referee admits that at night is transvestite

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Brazilian football has been rocked by the confession of a referee who revealed that he is gay and at night becomes a transvestite.

Referee Valério Fernandes Gama: Man by day, woman by night
Referee Valério Fernandes Gama: Man by day, woman by night


Valério Fernandes Gama, who works as referee in the regional leagues of Ceará, admitted to that at night he has a life of woman.

"My woman name is Laleska, only at night, when I am dancing in my city, Beberibe," said Gama Fernandes.

The 32-year-old denied that he has been discriminated because of his homosexuality.

He added: "Of all the referees in Ceará, I'm the only gay. But no one ever told me anything.

"They respect me like a woman. In football you never suffered discrimination or prejudice."

In one of his anecdotes, the referee recalled how the players from a local club discovered and recognized in a nightclub, then congratulated him for having the courage to be a professional referee.

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